First I wanted to give an update on my survey, I have gotten three ansers so far and they have been: Edmodo, facebook and a blog.  I think it's pretty cool to see other people's opinions on what social media tools they would use!  I hope I'll get more answers too!
My post today is inspired by something I heard in the class from Session 4, at the beginning it was discussed that bullying is the biggest problem online for kids.  I wanted to offer an awesome video that I learned about in my arts ed class and then used in my pre-internship in March.  You'll find the video at the bottom of thia post.  After we watch the video with the class, we would split the class into groups (one group for each character in the video) then each group would go to the front of the class and "be" the character they were assigned.  The rest of the class would ask that character questions and any one of the students at the front may answer.  If you have a quiet class it's probably a good idea to have some sample questions that the students can ask.  When I took the class we used the websitde digizen and you should check that out.  They have a bunch of stuff about it. 
Here's the video!  Awesome to show to a class
Karlee Wiser
5/31/2012 10:26:42 am

I used this video and lesson plan during my pre-internship as well! It worked awesome and the kids really liked it! The problem I have is that no matter how much you teach kids about bullying, they still continue to do it. Even as adults, we do it all the time even though we completely understand how bad it really is and how it can effect a person!! I wish their was a solution to this...

Madeline DeBolt
6/15/2012 05:22:06 am

This lesson that was modeled in our arts ed class was one of my favourites! SO powerful. This is one that I want to use forsure in internship! Thanks for reminding me!:)


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