I just read the article in the Vancouver Sun about the study conducted trying to figure out if coffee drinkers live longer or less than those who do not drink coffee.  This article and study was pretty confusing, it seemed to contradict itself, the study was observational and there were no controls in it.  If you want to get a clear answer you would have to set a control environment where it is the exact same with both coffee drinkers and non coffee drinkers.  There are so many things in peoples lives that may cause them to live longer or not as long such as: unhealthy behaviours (drinking, smoking, not being active), peoples wealth (wealthier people may be able to afford things to prolong their life), stress, illness passed down from family members, etc.  So there is no way to know if coffee is the reason for prolonged living or from a shorter life.  
After reading this article I felt I needed further information on this topic to decide for myself whether I'm buying into this or not.  So, I looked at a Q&A on the Harvard School of Public Health website about the same topic.  From reading this article I concluded that there definitely needs to be more information found on this topic to be conclusive.  In this article they say that coffee has so many different compounds and that leads to diverse health outcomes and it does say that there are some health benefits, such as: protection against type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, liver cancer, and liver cirrhosis. I'm not sure how they came to this conclusion.  It also states in this article that there is no constant, so I have no idea how they are coming to any conclusion..and it seems like in both articles they are on the fence about it.
In my opinion I think if you live a healthy lifestyle you are probably going to live a long and healthy life (assuming you have no other health concerns) and if you want to drink coffee, go ahead..I'm not a coffee drinker and I'm not going to start because a bunch of articles say it might be good for you.

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