So, it's been a little while since I've posted anything on here.  I went to Saskatoon for the weekend to visit a friend, I had an awesome time and I'm so happy I went.  The only thing I wish I would have done is spend an extra $30 and get a better hotel.  My hotel was less that what it showed in the pictures online and were probably from a few years ago.  The 'free wifi' didn't really work anywhere in or around the hotel, so that is why I'm just posting on here now.  So, what I had wanted to post about a couple days ago was an addition to the blog I posted last week about social media in the classroom.  I had said I don't think that facebook is a good idea in the classroom, but I did a little research and looked at one post in particular by Jeff Dunn, called 100 (Updated) Ways to Use Facebook in Your Classroom.  I haven't really changed my mind but I have opened my mind a bit, I think it could be a good idea to just make a different facebook profile, for example I would use Miss Hopfauf instead of mine now.  In this aarticle there are a few things that I really think would be some cool things to use in the classroom are:
- connecting with museums and educational places all over the world
- students can poll the public for assignments using facebook
- facebook book club
- using facebook as a journal entry
- having a class group
- reminding your students of important things coming up
- use facebook for giving homework help
...and tons more!  You should take a look at this post, Jeff Dunn has quickly become my favourite blogger on technology in the classroom. 
5/29/2012 05:49:05 am

I think using Facebook in the classroom is a great idea, if the teacher uses his/her discretion. Teachers have personal lives as well, so it needs to be kept private, just like anyone else's lives would be. By creating a "professional" account, it will make it easier to access resources and to keep in touch with students in a professional manner. On that account, you wouldn't post anything about your personal life, as you would have your other account for that. I think people give Facebook such a negative rep, but I merely think that people just need to be a little more careful and safe while using it, just as any other site on the internet.


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